Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My Cat's Eyes are Working Overtime...

These Cat's Eyes, that is (my real cat is old and cranky- I don't ask him to work on anything)....I use them on almost every single piece of paper that leaves the studio.

My business basket is full of things to be grateful for this Thanksgiving week.

And THIS is the most exciting (but not the only thing in the basket)...

My salt and pepper shaker gift tags were chosen to be included in the December issue of Country Living Magazine , in an article featuring Christmas ornaments on Etsy (page 61 if you want to flip straight to it). I love all of the ornaments featured, a really nice showcase of Etsy talent....

What a thrill! Seriously...beyond thrilling...beyond any very grateful, thankful happy dance I have ever done for Sunshine and Ravioli...I am as high as a kite and any other happy as a clam cliche you can come up with!

Here's my other thankful for it item this week...

See that yellow star in the bottom row? That's my vintage spoon ornament in the Etsy voter this week!

Here's a closer view...And here's my SOS...

Can you help me? I would LOVE to break the top ten (as of Wednesday morning, I'm at #11). Yes, I'm just thrilled to be included and I don't expect to win, but I would really, really like to finish respectably...

If you can spare a vote, head on over to the Voter and cast your ballots...


And last but not least, a peek at what else has been keeping me busy...custom orders...lots of them!

This is a recent favorite, for a holiday themed baby shower (it's a boy, can you tell?). This is the first shower I have made place markers for and I think they turned out great! I have to thank my creative customer for this one- never would have thought to use these images for baby showers (OK, maybe the deer, but the others....).

Alright, there's a turkey to prep (I'll be using this recipe-the juiciest non fried turkey ever!) and pies to be made...

I hope this Thanksgiving finds you with plenty to be grateful for...

Until next time (I can't get my sig to upload!),


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Apples, Apples, Apples!

I am actually a little late on this (surprise!) season is close to done, I think, but a few weeks back we spent a beautiful Saturday afternoon in Mexico, NY at a pick-em-yourself apple orchard...

...and since I seem to be a blogging delinquent lately (SOS to all regular do you do it? There just don't seem to be enough hours in the day!)...late is my norm these days anyway, right?

Apples, Apples everywhere....

So many different varieties...

There were families loading up the Radio Flyer with pounds and pounds of apples...we just picked a few...

Even the teenage girl child got in on the action....

BIG Apples....

...and wee little apples (I wouldn't eat this one, but it was cute!)...
a great way to get some crisp fresh air (and CIDER!) on a sunny Upstate Saturday....

And I just could resist this...this is a school in Mexico,NY on our way to the orchard. Doesn't it just scream "Leave it to Beaver", "It's a Wonderful Life" Americana?

I was so smitten that Mr. Sunshine even pulled off the main road so I could get a better picture...of a school! That's true love, I think....

Until Next Time,


Saturday, September 12, 2009


What's my excuse this time?

I was on such a good blogging roll...posting regularly, sharing a good mix of life and work. And then about a week after my last post (almost a month ago- ack!), we experienced computer meltdown.

No computer (with the exception of my I phone, which made replying to emails possible, but to do anything online proved challenging) for close to two weeks. Try it sometime- not easy for someone like me, let me tell you!

So after the purchase of a NEW laptop (ouch), I was back online again. But the chores had to get done before the play could begin, so I have been tending to my Etsy shop, getting ready for the holidays, and filling an increasing number of custom orders. On a side note, I am so enjoying the bridal market! Such a happy time in life, and I love hearing each bride's story.

And NOW I can blog again....

You would think that such a long absence would mean I had a mountain of post ideas, but the case is the opposite for me...

So in the meantime, I will share a few photos, maybe a recipe or two (have a fantastic pumpkin bread recipe that you need this time of year) and slowly get back in to the groove again...

Until next time,
(which won't be a month from now, I promise)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The HeartoMatic Trifecta...

Oh MY!

OH myohmyohmyohmy!

Yesterday was pretty exciting around here, as the Weekend Deals Storque article and email went live...

But then I wake up this morning to this:

Thank you TiedUpMemories ,for including me in this beautiful treasury!

AND this, which I am almost CERTAIN will never ever happen again. I hit the HeartoMatic Trifecta! HeartoMatic is an extremely nifty tool for Etsy sellers that lets you track your traffic, hearts, features, etc. If you are a seller and haven't visitied this page, hightail it over there and check it out. I'll save your spot....

On the "featured" page, it usually reads that I have not been on the FP, have not been in the Storque, am not in any Gift Guide, so this really made my morning!

Celebrate with me,will you?

Until Next Time,

Friday, August 14, 2009

Did She Say FREE??

A few weeks ago, on a whim, I threw my name in the hat for the Etsy "Weekend Deals" post...

What the heck, think positively and all that stuff...

Well, I got an email from an Etsy admin yesterday afternoon...

That meant burning the midnight oil last night (and that's OK, because boy child's birthday sleepover was last night. I still went to bed before they did!)...tidying the shop, sweeping the floors, adjusting shipping info...

I looked like this by the time I went to bed last night...

But the great news...
These stickers were chosen to be one of the featured items for this weeks' "Weekend Deals" on Etsy....

In exchange for this lovely, free PR, I am running a sale....a pretty darn good sale...FREE (yes, she did say free) shipping all weekend long!
Anywhere I ship (which really is anywhere), the shipping's on me, if you order and pay this weekend (through 11:59 EST, August 16).

And if you are a fan of my FB page, make sure you head on over there....I've got a little bonus "thank you" for you!
Heck, even if you become a fan this weekend, you're still eligible ('cause I appreciate you too!). Check it out!

So I hope to have a busy weekend, printing all sorts of FREE shipping labels....

Until Next Time,

Thursday, August 13, 2009

11? Already?

It was just yesterday that I was heading to the hospital in the sweltering Louisiana heat, very pregnant, two weeks overdue, extremely cranky.

Fast forward eleven years- today is my baby's birthday.We went to the Dollar Tree this morning to gather a few things that we had forgotten for his sleepover tonight...Groucho Glasses? Check....
Weird wiggly, googly-eyed creature? Check....Silly...errrr....Goofy String (this is the Dollar Tree- no brand names here) in every color? Check....
Birthday Cookie with butter cream icing, sprinkles and a message written by his big sister? Check....

So we're all set. Off to celebrate a birthday...

Until Next Time,

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It's Not Just a Burger...

You Texas girls probably already know where I am going with this...

It's a Whataburger.

This is my last Texas post (we have been home almost a month, for crying out loud), but not one of our trips home would be complete without at least one meal here...a Texas institution, the McDonald's of the Lone Star State, home of the BEST ketchup anywhere (not sure why but it is gooood!)...There are very few Whataburgers on the "wrong" side of the state line (did a little research, they are actually in ten states now- say it isn't so!). We did frequent one very close to the border in LA -if I remember right- when Mr. Sunshine was stationed at Ft. Polk.

I think one of the minor reasons I enjoy Whataburger is their great colors and theming. Who doesn't love orange crush stripes with a slice of blue sky? And never was a paper bag more truthful: "Rarely do the fries make it all the way home".

When I was a girl, the old-school Whataburgers were drive-ins, triangle shaped buildings with the roof coming to a point. The first meal I remember eating at a fast food joint after we moved to Texas (that wasn't McDonald's) was- yes, you guessed it- at a What-a-Burger.
In high school, a good many lunches were a large order of fries, lots of that special ketchup and a large Diet Coke. What can I say, I was poor and I had a junk-tooth (but have never ever liked the taste of "real" coke- go figure).

Every time we travel home, a stop at Whataburger is usually our first and last meal in the state (unless we can last long enough to hit a Taco Cabana- Mr. Sunshine's fave). This trip was mid summer and Molly went along, so most meals were drive through (you don't leave a poochy in the car during Texas' 100+ degree summers), but a potty break was necessary for one of us this time. I stayed out in the truck with this sad face....

She was happy a few minutes later though, because, of course, Mr. Sunshine shared a few of these with her:
o fancy ketchup for the Molly though....that was all mine.

Until Next Time,

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I admit it...

I ordered this book the day it came out....

I paid extra for overnight delivery....

It's Blogging for Bliss.

I am devouring it as I have time...kudos to you, Tara Frey! You've managed to create a beautiful how-to book. For all of the harried bloggers with short attention spans out here, I salute you!

And as a good student should, I am taking notes. But being the realistic gal that I usually am, I know I will never achieve the heights of some of the absolutely gorgeous blogs featured in the book.
Honestly, it's not really "me" anyway. I like things with worn edges, a little tattered and not so amazingly perfect (how am I doing?).
I will always write how I talk- lots of "..."s , a few typos that sneak through, and you can't even imagine how often I really want to add a smiley face after something I have written. I know, it's sad (a grown woman am I!)...but I really like an occasional (0; !

None of these things are really conducive to a beautiful, grown -up blog, are they? Sigh...But there's room out here for all sorts of bloggers: the beautiful, the clever, the adorable, the witty, the "total packages" that have it all. And me.

But I am doing a few simple things that Tara suggested...playing with photo frames and effects is one you may have noticed over the past few's a work in progress, but I will tweak it 'til I am satisfied. I do like a simple frame around the photos- they look a bit more finished, but some of the other effects just take too much time to do to every single picture that I include here. I suppose I could reduce the number of photos....on second thought....

And I have finally admitted that maybe some people may not share my taste in music. Or may not want to hear it when they visit. Every. Single. Time.

So I came up with my little helper here. Isn't she cute? Isn't she helpful? If you'd like her to help your readers too, feel free to right click and take her home with you....

And seriously, I hope I did not sound negative about Blogging for Bliss. So far, I love the book and have learned a ton. One of the things that I have learned is that I love to visit lush, frilly, gorgeous blogs (and admire their authors oh so much)... but I gotta be me. And I'm OK with that.


Until Next Time,

Monday, August 10, 2009

my {only} sunshine

I think I jinxed myself last night.... made this bright sunshine-y treasury.

L-O-V-E it! I even love the alternates (which, I may be the only one, but sometimes when I curate treasuries, the alternates can be difficult), so I included them in this screen shot. Give them some Etsy love, please!

Top row (L to R, every time):

Second row:

Third Row:

Fourth Row:

But...I wake up this morning to such a gloomy day! It was even too dark to take pictures this little photo set-up is situated in an are that only on the darkest days is it too dark to get a decent shot...

So I will share some Target love in the meantime. Went to my fav-o-rite big box store yesterday. It had been awhile. I spent too much. Of course.

Doubly dangerous for me is this time of year at Target.
I always love their fun (and cheap) picks
for dorm rooms.

Had to have this very very cute pink lamp for my studio desk (boy child tried to talk me in to apple green and it was tempting, but girl child won this one with her vote for PINK). And it was only $7.99...I am happy.

Also picked up these very cute little tins, on clearance (yes!), in the dollar aisle. I love little buckets this size. They are so great to hold all sorts of little loose things. And I have little loose things everywhere. Organization is not my spec-i-al-ity.
Now that should elicit a comment from Mr.Sunshine...wait for it, 'cause I'm sure at least a snort is sure to follow from his general vicinity... note to the Mr: you better end it with "but I love you!" cause I love you too! (o;

Most of my Target money went to back to school necessities...yawn. But I thought you might like my little studio pick-me-ups...

Make sure you pay my treasury friends a visit...give 'em some Etsy love- they deserve it!

Until Next Time,