Friday, February 29, 2008

And the Goodie Bag goes to.....

Thanks to Mrs. Glosser and her math goodies, we have emerged with a winner ( I just down loaded Adobe Photoshop so I was playing with the filters. Forgive me Mrs Glosser, for messing with your primary plus fuschia color scheme)!
First a quick note to those who posted messages here for a second entry. What I did was add your name a second time, assigning you a number beyond the last subscriber (so your second # was somewhere between 84 and 88).
And without further delay......
Congratulations Janet!!
I won't go any further than that (for privacy reasons), but if you signed up for the newletter and your first name is Janet, please watch your "In" box (or maybe spam- you never know these days)....
Finally, a huge THANK YOU to everyone who signed up! Considering I had no mailing list before this, I would consider it a huge success...
Keep a clear eye on your inbox....the first newsletter should go out within the week....
Happy Friday, everyone!

1 comment:

Mockingbird Hill said...

Congrats to Janet...lucky girl! Be sure and ask her to post her winnings...
