Monday, March 24, 2008

Isn't She Lovely??

Oh, I have (obvoiusly!) not been blogging over the past week or so- my apologies....

In my defense, had the perfect storm of "gotta be done- RIGHT NOW" events take place recently. We are getting ready for Mr. Sunshine's departure and the Army requires most everything to be packed up and shipped out long before the actual soldier leaves. This means Mrs. Sunshine (yours truly) got to do the running last week to get all of the little things that Mr. Sunshine wanted in his foot locker...gopher duty + Easter + a slew of tag orders last week (tags are what is keeping my Etsy shop hopping...I love making them but I hope peeps catch on to the painting soon).....

Soooooo.......I have some catching up to do.....

First and foremost is the highlight of last week!


My new blog friend Tracy over at The Vintage Sister Studio recently sponsored a giveaway that I was lucky enough to win (and I NEVER win anything! I think entered almost every OWOH giveaway and won not one little tiny bit of trim or pretty pretty needful)....

Every single thing about this tiny treasure is perfect...the polka dots (which are one of my recent obsessions), the sweet girl with her bird's nest of hair and her feathered friends...the quote: "A good little house" (because even though my style seems to be changing, my favorite thing to paint is still houses). It's all perfect for me....and I love it!

Make sure you check out Tracy's blog and visit her Etsy shop...

If you are not smiling when you're done browsing (most likely you will smile long before that!), you must be having a very bad day....

Thanks again, made my week!


Mockingbird Hill said...

Congratulations on your win...she's very cool! your background, too ;)


Tracy Nuskey Dodson said...

Thanks so much Steph! I'm so glad she has such a good home:)